Posts tagged with Eureka

Featured image for "How to fix services registering as localhost on Eureka"

How to fix services registering as localhost on Eureka

If you used Eureka before, you may have noticed that services sometimes register as localhost in stead of the prefered servers hostname. In this tutorial I'll explain why that happens and how to fix it.

Featured image for "Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Zuul"

Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Zuul

Spring boot has several integrations available for Netflix components such as Zuul. In this tutorial I'll demonstrate how Zuul can be used to handle several cross-cutting concerns on a network-based level, such as CORS headers and handling multipart requests.

Featured image for "Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Ribbon"

Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Ribbon

Last time, I gave a basic introduction into the concepts of microservices. In this tutorial we'll explore how Netflix helps us with calling microservices using Ribbon.

Featured image for "Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Eureka"

Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Eureka

When you talk about Java and microservices, chances are that you'll stumble upon the Netflix stack. In this example I'll use Spring boot with Eureka.