Posts within the Tutorials category
Writing your own Spring boot starter
Spring boot comes with many starters that do most of the work for you. The nice thing is that you can also write your own Spring boot starters as well, and in this tutorial, we'll figure out what we need to do to make our own Spring boot starter.
Monitoring Spring boot applications with Prometheus and Grafana
While monitoring is essential, there are various tools on the market to do this. In this tutorial I'll be using Prometheus and Grafana to monitor an existing Spring boot application.
Getting started with Angular CLI and Project Clarity
Project Clarity is a neat UI library with a component-set that can be used with Angular. In this tutorial, I'll set up Project Clarity with Angular CLI.
Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Zuul
Spring boot has several integrations available for Netflix components such as Zuul. In this tutorial I'll demonstrate how Zuul can be used to handle several cross-cutting concerns on a network-based level, such as CORS headers and handling multipart requests.
Securing Spring boot applications with JWT
JWT is a popular type of token. In this tutorial I'll show you how to integrate a JWT authentication mechanism with Spring, and within a microservice oriented architecture.
Getting started with Spring boot 2.0
Explore the new reactive features of Spring boot 2.0 and Spring 5 with me by writing a web crawler using Webflux and reactive MongoDB.
Configuration as a microservice
Decentralized configuration on the filesystem has its flawed. But what if you could provide configuration as a microservice with Git?
Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Hystrix
What happens when something fails in an application and it keeps failing? In this article I'll show you how you can have more control using Hystrix.
Showing a loader with Angular 2
With Angular 2, we can change the default Loading... message to something else. In this article I will show you how to change it into a wonderful pokéball.
Animating with Angular 2
Just like AngularJS, Angular 2 has a mechanism for applying animations to your application. During this article we'll look into the animation API.